『壹』 鎴戜滑涓璧风湅鐢靛奖鍚ц嫳鏂囨庝箞璇
缈昏瘧鎴愯嫳鏂囨槸锛歀et'sgo and watch amovietogether.
鑻盵wɒtʃ] 缇嶽w蓱:tʃ]
vt. 娉ㄨ嗭紝娉ㄦ剰; 鐪嬪畧锛岀洃瑙; 瀹堝欙紙鏈轰細绛夛級; 瀵嗗垏娉ㄦ剰;
n. 琛; 鍊煎滐紝鍊肩彮; 鐪嬪畧锛岀洃瑙; 鍊肩彮浜哄憳;
vi. 瑙傜湅; 娉ㄨ; 瀹堝; 鐪嬪畧;
[鍏朵粬] 绗涓変汉绉板崟鏁帮細watches澶嶆暟锛歸atches鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝锛歸atching杩囧幓寮锛歸atched杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝锛歸atched
『贰』 鎴戝嚭鍘荤湅鐢靛奖浜嗭紝缈昏瘧鎴怚 go out to go to the movies鍙浠ュ悧锛
鍡.... 鈥済o out鈥濊櫧鐒惰〃绀 鈥滃嚭鍘荤殑鎰忔濃濅絾涓鑸琛ㄧず姣旇緝寮虹儓鐨勫懡浠よ姘旓紝鐢氳嚦鍙浠ョ悊瑙d负鈥滄粴鍑哄幓鈥 涓鑸涓嶇敤鍦ㄨ嚜宸辫韩涓婏紝涓嶈繃杩欐牱璇村掓槸涔熷彲浠ワ紝 浣嗘槸鐢ㄢ済o out鈥濅篃鏄瑕佹湁be鍔ㄨ瘝瀛樺湪鐨 鎵浠ュ簲璇ユ槸
I went going out to go to themovies.
褰撶劧 went 涔熷彲浠ユ崲鎴"am"浣嗚繖鏍锋剰鎬濅細鍙樻垚鈥滄垜鍦ㄥ幓澶栭潰鐪嬬數褰辩殑璺涓娾
涔嬫墍浠ョ敤杩囧幓寮忚〃绀 鏄鍥犱负鈥滄垜鍑哄幓鐪嬬數褰变簡鈥濇槸宸茬粡鍙戠敓浜嗙殑 锛岀敤杩囧幓寮忎細姣旇緝濂姐
鑻ユ兂寮鸿皟鈥滃嚭鍘烩濈湅鐢靛奖锛屼篃鍙鐢↖ went to the cinema .锛堟垜鍘荤數褰遍櫌浜嗭級銆傛瘮杈冭█绠鎰忚祬銆
『叁』 see电影的过去式怎么写
see a movie;see a film
去电影院:go to the movie theatre;go to the cinema
去电影院看电影:go to the cinema and watch a film;go to the cinema see a film
上次看的电影cant remember ; prison break ; Don't remember ; Kungfu Panda
我看我电影:I see it my way
看的电影:see the movies
看懂电影:Understanding Film
必看的电影:must-see film ; a must-see movie ; must see film
看完电影后:After the movie ; After after the movie ; After watching movies
去看部电影:go to a movie
看完电影:After the movie ; Watching movies
我们什么时候去看电影呢?When do we go to the movies?
我喜欢和丽莎一起去看电影。I like to go to the movies with Lisa.
我看电影的时候经常想起你。I often think of you when I watch movies.
你喜欢和我一起去电影院看电影吗?Do you like to go to the cinema with me?
『肆』 鎴戜滑鍘荤湅鐢靛奖浜嗭紝鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇达紵
浣犺佺殑鏄杩囧幓寮忚繕鏄鐜板湪杩涜屾椂锛岃繃鍘诲紡:we went to the movies. 鐜板湪杩涜屾椂:we going to the moves